
Ted Yoo, PhD

View his CV here

Scientist. Grad school survivor. Host of the This Grad Life Podcast.

I specialize in computer simulations at the molecular level. My thesis work revolved around the chemicals used in the recycling of spent nuclear fuel. In my dissertation, I add a completely new dimension to understanding the behavior of di-butyl phosphate, which is present in several important processing methods.

I’m also a science communicator. That means I really enjoy talking about my work to folks outside of science. It’s a privilege to be able to teach someone something new. I’ve also spent a lot of time training other science communicators.

You see, I believe it’s not enough to merely pursue knowledge. We have to also work towards communicating and teaching it to others. Otherwise, what’s the point? If knowledge isn’t being used, then it might as well be useless.

That’s one reason I started This Grad Life. The other is because grad school is a miserable experience. I know, I was there. There’s a lot of stress involved with research. And as the work of solving problems gets done, I felt that the problem solvers themselves could use a little more love.

So, thanks for stopping by and learning a little bit more about the host! Stay tuned for the latest in research and educational misery!